Tuesday 23 November 2010

Audience's response to imaginery entity questions

1.       Social class of Target audience
2.       Age range of target audience
3.       Gender of target audience
4.       What is their favourite genre of music
5.       What is their favourite style of clothing
6.       What is their favourite band/ artist
7.       What is their favourite tv shows
8.       Favourite sport/activity
9.       What is their favourite clothing shop
10.   Roughly how much do they earn a month
11.   Where do they go on holiday

 This is my imaginary entity answers compared to the answers of real audience who have looked at my front cover. Some of my answers matched the answers of the real audience. For example, I decided that my magazine was aimed at 16-24 year olds, and every person answered 16-24.  This means that audience understood my encoding. My magazine was aimed at middle class people, and the audience also understood that it was aimed at the middles class.
My magazine was aimed at mostly men, 65%, but also aimed at women 35%. The answers from the audience were varied, but generally the same. My magazine is a rock/indie solo artists magazine.  However, some answers from the audience were varied, such as Drum and bass. In the preferred style of clothing question,  most answered indie, which was what my magazine is aimed at.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Audience Lifestyle

Audience Lifestyle- Ideal Entity

 In order to find out who my target audience is, i will need to create an imaginery Entity. This is an imaginary 'ideal' audience. To find out who the audience is i had to create a series of questions to ask people about my magazine. These people will look at my first draft of my music magazine and answer the questions as best they can judging by what they see in the magazine.

1/ what is your favourite genre of music?
2/ what is your favourite style of clothing?
3/ what is your favourite band/artist?
                the killers
4/ what are your favourite tv shows?
                Comedy shows and music channels
5/ favourite sport/activity
                Skateboarding, Blading, BMXing

6/what is your favourite clothes shop?
                Topshop/Topman, Republic
7/ roughly how much is your income?
                £5 an hour
8/ Where do you go on holiday?
                Places abroad, e.g Spain, America

Monday 18 October 2010

Music magazine Rate card

Rate Card for music magazine

Age: 15-18

75% male readers, 25% Female readers
Magazine Price: £2.50
Circulation: 35,000

Cost per full page ad -£7,500

Total adverts
Total circulation profit

Total Profit from advertisers

Tuesday 12 October 2010

School mag contents page

GQ rate card research

GQ magazine rate card

Circulation 59,160
Females Readers 20%
Male 80%
ABC1 Profile 81%
Median age 34
Cost of full page advert 10,950

Total adverts:167
Total advertising profit £1,828,650
Magazine Price: £3.50
Total Profit from circulation: £224,808

In my research of Rate cards of the GQ magazine. i have found out that the magazine makes so much more money from it's advertisers than from it's readers.